Am 09.10.2013 18:57, schrieb Marcel Pursche:
Hi Sebastian,

I never tested the color buffer approach for simple shadow mapping without 
filtering. I only used it to implement variance shadow mapping(a GL_RG32F 
texture stores the mean depth value and the variance). The implementation was 
significantly faster than percentage closer filtering with a hardware depth 
texture. But of corse that doesn't proof anything, as different techniques 
where used. Would be a good idea to test this.
I am not sure what you mean with, the hierarchical z-culling is removed? The standard 
depth buffer is still used for z-culling, only for shadow mapping a different one is 
used. Or do you mean this optimization is also used, when "sampler2DShadow" is 
used in the shader?

Okay, I thought you were talking about "normal" z-buffer. For variance shadow mapping I used the RG_32f too. But in case one is writing to the attached depth target (e.g. a linear depth value) the hierachical culling should be gone AFAIK.

I was not aware of the GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 format. This seems to be the 
perfect solution to precission issues.
It is at least supported on newer NVidia cards. It is not the fastest to use, but I need the stencil buffer so I stick to this one.

Thank you!


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