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Hello Deniz,

On 11/06/2013 07:07 PM, Deniz Koçak wrote:
> This is already a long mail, still I have more to say, many code to
> post, but I am not sure where should I begin. I can provide as
> much as possible. However, before ending my e-mail, I would like to
> ask if this approach is safe or not? I mean, I call frame() method
> within a Qt slot and again update related datas within another Qt
> slot. Qt has a main loop (GUI thread) of course, and is it possible
> to cause a race-condition with OSG, because it has its own
> threading model? Please ask if you need more information and of
> course you will, I would be glad to tell more.

Your approach isn't safe. OSG is *not threadsafe*. Or, rather, it is
not threadsafe from arbitrary modifications. If you want to be safe,
the only time when modifications to the scene graph may happen is
before or after the frame() is invoked, not while frame() is running.

If your GUI is modifying the vertex array from the Qt slot, that is,
by definition, asynchronous - you have no idea when the user presses
that button. Which may well be during the rendering when OSG is using
that data structure. If you are clearing the vertex array while the
size of the array is still set, it will go boom.

One way to solve this is to use the slot to only modify a buffer/set a
flag and then use e.g. an update callback on the affected OSG node to
pick up the changes and implement them in the scene graph when it is
safe (during update traversal).


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