Am 07.11.2013 14:04, schrieb michael kapelko:
I was thinking of creating some sort of material.xml and assign it to each object (or a group of objects).
You could totally do this. So material.xml could contain the defines.
As far as I understand, the define approach creates one shader per object eventually. And that turns out to be faster than one shader per pipeline with different StateSets and uniforms per object.
Am I correct?
Partially. It eventually creates one shader program per node. There might be different statesets after all. As the shader-program is part of the StateSet. The thing saved here are the uniforms (in my case there where around 50 non-material/camera related uniforms just for controlling which rendering-paths are taken)


2013/11/7 Sebastian Messerschmidt < <>>

    As this is company code and part of a bigger framework I can only
    give you some hints.

    I have a custom shader loader which parses the shader source in
    order to later add the defines and creates a osg::Program derived
    e.g. CustomProgram.

    In GLSL you can use preprocessor macros like in C.
    So you can say:

    #define PATH_1

    and later

    vec4  color = vec4();
    #ifdef PATH_1
        color = vec4(1,0,0,0);
        color = vec4(0,0,1,0);

    So  the shader loader will create the CustomProgram which holds a
    list of defines which should be applied later.
    The CustomProgram itself will do this in the ::apply function, by
    injecting the #define %DEFINE_NAME% in to the shadersource before
    compiling it.

    For setting the defines at the statesets you want, you can simply
    check the stateset for a program-attribute, cast it to
    CustomShader and add a define.
    You will have to do some management inside the CustomProgram to
    make it aware of changed define-sets etc. But it the end you are
    simply adding some custom attributes to control the compiled
    shader program at the state set, instead of setting uniforms directly.
    While this seems complicated it allows for two things:
    1. Fast less-branching shader code
    2. Different sets of shaders realizing rendering based upon
    defines. In my case I can do deferred and forward shading with the
    same framework without having to know which one is running under
    the hood, when assigning materials/material effects.


    Can you please provide an example of how an object manages its
    In my case, I simply get the object's StateSet and setup
    uniforms. But I don't get how to setup defines.

    2013/11/7 Sebastian Messerschmidt <

        Am 07.11.2013 12:55, schrieb michael kapelko:
        Hi, Sebastian.

        So you compose one shader per object?
        No, one program per define-set (e.g. #define
        The idea is not to compose the shader from functional blocks,
        but to write one shader containing all paths which are
        activated based upon the defines.
        It is still complicated to get all the paths correctly in the
        ubershader, but i found it a good transition from uniform
        based de/activation.

        So you will end up with N different programs with N being the
        number of define-combinations used.


        2013/11/7 Sebastian Messerschmidt

            Hi Michael,

            I solved a similar problem by overriding osg::Program
            which composes a shader from an Ubershader. This is not
            done via uniforms but defines.
            It seems to work somehow and improved the performance
            over branching based on uniforms.


            I decided to go with single pipeline that provides big
            shaders and objects using own uniforms and textures to
            change the pipeline behaviour.
            I started to design a simple material format so that it
            resembles the one of EffectCompositor.


            2013/10/31 michael kapelko <

                Hi, Wang.

                I've just checked if I can use some uber shader and
                control its behaviour per object by setting the
                object's uniforms. And it works.
                I wonder if that's ok to do that to make different
                objects rendered differently in the same scene.

                2013/10/31 Wang Rui <

                    Hi Michael,

                    Effect compositor in fact adds the child scene
                    graph to a camera binding to a FBO, and then
                    uses RTT cameras to perform the post processing
                    work. The last step is always to show the final
                    image on an HUD quad so all other scene nodes
                    will be occluded. The only way to make the
                    effect compositor work with other fixed
                    pipeline nodes is to write to the depth values
                    in the shader code of the last step, which
                    cannot be automated.

                    The dof.xml does such work so you may try
                    ./osgeffectcompositor --normal-scene cessna.osg
                    --effect dof.xml to see how normal and deferred
                    shaded objects are merged. At present I haven't
                    had a better idea about this problem. :-)

                    Wang Rui

                    2013/10/30 michael kapelko <

                        I've recently implemented deferred shading
                        with normal mapping and shadow mapping
                        using EffectCompositor, but it has effect
                        on the whole scene, not a single object.
                        Is it possible to use EffectCompositor to
                        apply effects per object?

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