Hi Chris,

I also fight a long time with PolytopeIntersector and PagedLOD. Did you add
callback to read your PagedLOD? See osgSim::LineOfSight for an example.
Does it help?


2014-03-12 21:15 GMT+01:00 Chris Long <cl...@setcorp.com>:

> Hi,
> I'm getting unexpected behavior from PolytopeIntersector and was wondering
> if it might have something to do with the PagedLODs in my scene graph.
> I want to find all polygons in a rectilinear volume in my model, in model
> coordinates (not related to any view on the screen) based on two corner
> vertices.
> The weird thing is that if I use the two corner points as the ends of a
> LineSegmentIntersector, I find intersections, but a PolytopeIntersector
> with Polytope made from a BoundingBox with those same corner points, over
> the same graph, finds no intersections.
> Shouldn't the PolytopeIntersector at least find the geometry that the
> LineSegmentIntersector does?
> I thought I might have the direction of the planes backwards for the
> Polytope, so I tried flip() but either way I get no intersections.
> I've read through the code and it looks like there might be issues related
> to the PagedLODs in my scene graph. Any idea if PolytopeIntersector and
> PagedLOD play together well or not?
> I've looked for examples and read code for PolytopeIntersector, but there
> doesn't seem to be much out there, and most of it uses View-based
> intersection, not model-based.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=58575#58575
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