HI Petr,

The ray intersection testing goes right down to the polygon level when
testing for intersection so "expanding" the bounding box won't make any

Perhaps what you are looking for is the PolytopeIntersector, this allows
you to create a screen aligned polytope that can intersection objects
within the polytope.


On 28 March 2014 21:00, Petr Svoboda <upd...@seznam.cz> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to ask if there is some way how to create bigger bounding box
> over some model to make it easier to pick it/ intersect with.
> For example if there is a cow.osg model and I want to pick it then how do
> it in a way that I dont need to click with my mouse exactly on that model
> but a bit "next to it".
> Is that was is osg::BoundingBox made for? Or the purpose of BoundingBox is
> just for culling etc.?
> I would like to use osg::LineSegmentIntersector + osg::IntersectVisitor.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Petr
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