HI Nick,

What type of frame rate do you get when running on a single window vs
multiple windows?

What do the frame stats suggest for what is the bottleneck?

Sharing context won't help as it'll force you to use single threaded
viewer.  There might be other routes though, so as just using one context
with mulitple viewports on it so you can still have your multiple views.


On 1 April 2014 19:05, Nick Modly <modly.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a scene graph set up with a large dataset ( A Geocentric Earth from
> osgEarth). In my composite viewer, I want to have multiple viewpoints (with
> separate camera manipulators/projection matrices; ie. an Orthographic,
> perspective, etc) each within a QT widget.
> I got this set up the way I wanted it by following the osgViewerQt
> example, using the CullDrawThreadPerContext threading model, but the
> framerate is pretty low.
> Are there any tricks I can do to improve the performance? Sharing graphics
> contexts, etc?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Nick
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