OK delete all links :-(

Hi All,
I'm new to the forum. I provide a linuxbuild of IfcPlusPlus. It is a viewer to 
display digital modells of building in file format ifc.

The linuxbuild is on github .../berndhahnebach/IFCPlusPlus. Branch 
linuxbuild-qt4 runs smooth on debian wheezy using the osg of wheezy. See on 
github .../berndhahnebach/IFCPlusPlus/blob/linuxbuild-qt4/README.Linux

The original code I use for my build (master branch) is linked against Qt5. I 
would like to link against qt5 as well to minimise changes. In branch 
linuxbuild-qt5 on github 
.../berndhahnebach/IFCPlusPlus/blob/linuxbuild-qt5/README.Linux . I tried to 
build IfcPlusPlus agiainst Qt5, it builds but gives Segmentgation Fault at 
Startup. I found the binary uses libQtGui.so.4 which is of Qt4. 

My assumtion is this is because libopenscenegraph99 in debian wheezy depends on 
Qt4libs. That is why I can not link against Qt5. 

Does this mean if I would like to build IfcPlusPlus against Qt5 I need to build 
osg against Qt5 myself to use it with IfcPlusPlus?

Thank you! Cheers, Bernd

If you would like to try IfcPlusPlus:
search for IfcOpenHouse.ifc or for digital210king if you would like to treat 

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