I think osgEarth is probably your best bet. VPB doesn't really offer any
opportunities for animatable heightmaps. Also, osgEarth has quite a bit
larger feature set.

Check it out and I'd be happy to answer any questions.

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Robert Grah <smilingmolec...@web.de> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I am quite new to OSG and i am a bit unsure if i have the right approach.
> I like to use osgEarth or VPB to use the actual elevation data of the
> earth in a really high resolution and then draw a heightmap out of it. This
> heightmap should be possibly animatable. I like for example let areas blink
> or fade. change colors depending on elevation or user settings in realtime.
> Beside that I like to draw paths onto my elevation map like a circle and
> get elevation data of my height map at the position along the circle. It
> would also be great to manipulate the circle size and position. I think for
> the manipulation I can use osgManipulator class. But for the measurement I
> am not sure what i should use.
> I am not sure how customizable VPB or osgEarth are and if it is possible
> to change all the environment variables which are set by default?
> For example only use a 2d like view of the earth from above like in google
> maps.
> So i like to ask you for some hints to point me into the right direction.
> - Which should I use for my needs VPB or osgEarth?
> - what is the best data source for my needs? ( I like really high
> resolution data.  I did some test with material which was really low
> resolution.)
> - How can i draw a circle and measure the elevation data along the circle?
> - What is the best way to animate my heightmap texture? Is it possible to
> animate the vertex color in this context of vpb and osgEarth?
> Thanks! :)
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=59565#59565
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Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com
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