drout wrote:
> now that i'm altering FOV, it reaches a point when zooming in, where the 
> screen flashes due to each raindrop passing in front of the scene. As far as 
> i could figure out by observing it, the rain is implemented as thin 
> semi-transparent rectangles (raindrop) in a plane so this behavior is kind of 
> expected. 

Well yes, if you zoom in that far the raindrops near the camera will also get 
bigger. If you open up the resources/silverlining.config file, you might try 
increasing the value of rain-near-clip a bit in order to reduce that effect. Or 
you could substitute your own image-based effect like you're doing.

This is sort of getting more into SilverLining support and less about OSG at 
this point though. Again feel free to just contact us directly if you need 
further assistance.


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