
Well...I was more thinking about a SSCCE than a whole project, but anyway:

Does your compiler support the currently effective (2011) standard for C++ 
try e.g. to compile this:

///@file bind_recursion.cxx
///@author solkar http://stackoverflow.com/users/2378245/solkar
///@date Jul 1st, 2014

#include <functional> // bind, is_placeholder
#include <exception>  // runtime_error
#include <iostream>   
#include <cmath>      // M_PI  
#include <complex>     

#define VOODOO 1

 * It's rather pointless binding the N parameters 
 * of N-ary callable to N placeholders in-sequence 
 * This framework will start making sense if there are 
 * some free parameters to be bound; see HINT below.

// placeholder
template<int N> struct PH {};

// It's ugly to extend std,
// but there's no other way to make arbitrary 
// placeholders known to std::bind
namespace std {
    template<int N>
    struct is_placeholder<PH<N>> 
        : public integral_constant<int, N> {};

// recursive sequential binder
// this simply pushes the placeholder types into the Args 
// result is in-order
template<class F, int N, class... Args>
struct SeqBinder : public SeqBinder<F, N-1, PH<N>, Args...> {};

// recursive sequential binder terminator specialization
template<class F, class... Args>
struct SeqBinder<F, 0, Args...> {
    static auto bind(F&& f)
         * HINT
         * here is to point to add whatever invariant params
         * to the bind
        -> decltype(std::bind(f, /* +whatever ,*/ Args()...)) {
             return std::bind(f, /* +whatever ,*/ Args()...); 
    } // bind()
}; // SeqBinder (terminator specialization)

template<typename F, int N>
auto seq_bind(F&& f, const PH<N>&&) 
    -> decltype(SeqBinder<F, N>::bind(f)) {
    return SeqBinder<F, N>::bind(f);
} // template seq_bind()

#endif // #if VOODOO

// no clue why gcc (4.8.2) wants a
// void output(void) (see below)
// for the recursive template below
void output(void) {
    struct void_call : public std::runtime_error {
    void_call(const char* msg) 
        : std::runtime_error(msg) {}

    // trace this
    throw void_call("void output(void) called");
} // void output(void)

// recursive template
template<typename T, typename... Args>
void output(const T& t, const Args&... args) {
    std::cout << typeid(t).name() << " : " << t << std::endl;
    if (sizeof...(Args) > 0)
        // no clue why gcc (4.8.2) looks for a
        // void output(void) 
} // template void output()

// test class
template <
    typename... Args
> struct LHC {
    std::function<void(Args...)> cauldron;
    ///@TODO delete unwanted ctors
    LHC() : 
#if VOODOO    
        cauldron(seq_bind(output<Args...>, PH<sizeof...(Args)>())) 
#endif // #if VOODOO       

    void operator () (const Args&...args) const{
}; // struct LHC

template <
    typename... Args
> void make_GUT(Args... args) {
    LHC<Args...> smasher;

void test() {
    auto cminus = std::exp(std::complex<double>(0.,M_PI));
    auto phone_number = 137L;
    make_GUT("GUT essentials: ", 42, NULL, M_PI, cminus, phone_number);
} // void test() 

int main() {
    try {
    } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
        std::cerr <<  e.what() << std::endl;
} // int main()
with both(0,1) settings for "VOODOO", and so-called C++11-"support" enabled in 
your compiler. 

I'd dislike having to publish code that is already sort-of deprecated at the 
time of publishing.


@moderators: How to save the "<",">" in 
#include <myheader>
in code-tags from being parsed. I thought especially code-tags would prevent 

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