
Me again ;). This time i would like to ask about animations, particular kind of 
it. I've made animation using channels and Vec3LinearChannel type. It works 
fine, without any problems, e.g. i've used three Vec3Keyframes to animate 
sample translation (or rotation), object position is nice calculated between 
each keyframe and animated. I wanted to create on the same way "step" animation 
- so object is moved in keyframe one, then moved at keyframe 2 without any 
interpolation between and then again moved in keyframe3 without interpolation - 
so it "jumps" in keyframes to appropriate positions. There is Vec3StepChannel - 
but have some problems with it (my object jumps one time and then stops). Is it 
right type to such kind of animation? If i have such example:

keyframe 1 - move object to (0, 0, 0)
keyframe 2 - move object to (1, 0, 0) // until here sems to work fine
keyframe 3 - want to back to (0, 0, 0) <- this doesn't work (tried also (-1, 0, 
0) as translation to back to (0,0,0)

If Vec3StepChannel is not for this purpose, how can i achieve such animation?

Thank you!


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