Hey everyone.

I've come a far way since my last post.  Our application is reading sensor data 
from the Leap Motion and we are interpreting this data and using OSG to display 
the hand models on scene.  The issue now is that running on my laptop I get a 
tops of 20 fps.  On other computers with lower specs the fr is abysmal.

The way its set up right now is that we load the fbx model of a hand and 
traverse through its nodes.  If it finds a bone and if it is one of the bones 
we want to affect we attach an updateCallback.  The update callback queries our 
data for a new position and the position is updated using a matrix and then the 
new position is set: 


osg::ref_ptr<osgAnimation::Bone>        bone                    = 
        if (bone)
                ref_ptr<osgAnimation::Bone>     parent                          
= bone->getBoneParent();
                const osg::Matrix&                      matrix                  
        = _transforms.getMatrix();
                _transforms.update                                      ();
                setBoneOrientations                                     ();
                setLocalTranslationsAndRotations        (parent, &matrix);

                if (parent)
                        bone->setMatrixInSkeletonSpace(fingerSpace * 
fingerTranslation * parent->getMatrixInSkeletonSpace());

        traverse(node, nv);

The setBoneOrientations(), setLocalMatrices() and 
setLocalTranslationsAndRotation() are methods used to manipulate the data so 
the it fits the position and rototaion on the screen properly. Basically 
converting the data to osg coordinate spaces. 

The viewer is basically just while(!viewer->done())

I believe in total we end up attaching a callback to about 40 - 50 bones.  
20-25 on each hand.  This doesn't feel like too much to process but Im no 
expert... far from it.   Is this the reason causing my low frame rate?  If so 
what are some steps or things to start looking at to improve performance.  

Thanks everyone!

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