Hey Everyone

A while ago I posted a topic on a low frame rate and seemed to have potentially 
solved it by running our application in release mode.  I am fairly new to 
graphics programming and didn't realize the difference was so great. 

I then had a son born and have been away for a while! :D.  Now I'm back to work 
and I've run into a new problem.

Two hand models are animated on the screen using data from our in house API 
which gets positional data from a LeapMotion. 

In release mode the model hands disappear on start up.  They seem to flash and 
then distort and then vanish in the blink of an eye.  If I debug to a log file 
looking at a bone on that hand it seems to be continuously 0.  However if I run 
it in debug mode the hand models work perfectly fine.  

We're a little stumped as to how this was happening and I thought I'd check and 
see if anyone has ever had similar problems and if it could be the way I'm 
handling things on the OSG side.  Its of course very possible its a bug on our 
end with our API software, but its always nice to check and see if anyone has 
any ideas or suggestions while we continue to delve.

I update the hand positioning using and UpdateCallback class that reads 
position data from a queue every frame and translates it into a matrix which is 
then used to position the hand model.  Also when the API notifies the hands as 
tracked the hand model is child to a Switch Node which I then hide or show 
     handsSw->setValue(0, true); 
&   handsSw->setValue(0, false);

handsSw which is a Switch has a child; handModel which is a PAT which in turn 
has the model-node as ITS child.  

Thank you!


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