
> I think you will find that not many people really dug into using MFC with
> OSG ( as you can tell by the deafening silence on the forum on these topics)

Yes, indeed...

> I am using a separate CMFC_OSG_MDIView for each CView. I am not sure why you
> see that would be a problem. It does mean a separate Camera and separate
> osgViewer::Viewer etc for each CView but as you can share
> ,osg::Group/osg::Geometry objects as needed between scene graphs, I am not
> sure why this would have any downside.

OK, there's the difference. You're still using an osgViewer::Viewer
instance per CMFC_OSG_MDIView, while on my side, I was trying to use
one osgViewer::CompositeViewer to manage all the osgViewer::View
inheriting the CMFC_OSG_MDIView window data.

> The big difference between what I do and the OSG MFC examples is that
> - I am single threaded

I'm running a separate render thread.

> I found that the osg threading mechanism seemed to be flawed, as I had 4 osg
> threads using 100% of the CPU even when the app was idle. Perhaps I was
> missing something. But it seems fundamental that , for example, the cull
> thread is always running and never sleeping. Great for real-time games, not
> so much for applications that need to be 'nice'.

Could it be that you're using continuous rendering (default option)
rather than on-demand rendering? You can change this with
The drawback is that you'll thus have to override the MFC stack to
trigger osgViewer::View::requestRedraw() when required (e.g. OnSize).

> - I then completely bypass the viewer OSG event handler and handle all
> events using the standard MFC event mechanism. That is I handle OnPaint,
> OnKeyDown,OnLButtonDown etc etc and do what is needed. For example, in my
> OnDraw(CDC *cdc) I call viewer()->frame(); I had to do a couple of funky
> things to get this to work properly  . I can give you more details if you
> want to go that way.

I see. In this case, the above on-demand rendering trick won't work as
ViewerBase::run() performs various tests in order to determine if
osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame() should be called to redraw the display.

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