I am working on updating our modeling to simulation model pipeline and have ran 
in to an issue. If we export to a .ive file, when loaded in our program or 
osgviewer, there are no textures. I set the OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL to DEBUG and it 
never attempts to find them. If I do an osgconv to a .osg file, the textures 
show up just fine. The textures themselves are .png currently (issue with 
nvidia texture tools to make them .dds for now). They are located in the 
OSG_FILE_PATH, and I would presume correctly if they get loaded by the .osg. 
What could I be missing that has them not showing up in the .ive? If I do our 
export directly to .osg, it works as well and produces the exact same file as 
an osgconv from .ive. Thanks in advance.

Karl Cary
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