Is the serialization support of osg in active development? I made an
attempt to implement a custom osgDB::OutputStream class along
with writeObjectFields in order to try and piggy back the built in
serialization functionality in order to be able to populate a GUI tree view
I'm working on.

It quickly became apparent that the serialization output in OSG is lacking
in enough ways that it doesn't appear that I can use it in this way, which
is very unfortunate. The same issues I ran into appear to be issues with
the in built serialization mechanisms, because the ascii and xml versions
of ReaderWriterOSG2 appear to be awkwardly formatted as well.

Since the serializers are implemented as a streaming set of values,
including 'count' type variables, there isn't enough context interleaved
through the stream to isolate the write* values for the property values
from formatting writes such as counts and type names and such.

I don't suppose there is any ongoing effort to improve upon this or
possibly add an alternate parallel reflection interface that one could
query and iterate the named properties of the entire hierarchy. Ultimately
I'm looking for a way to visualize the internal state of all the various
osg object types to a UI, or to script interfaces or whatever.

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