Hi Alexander,

On 26 February 2015 at 03:58, Alexander Golyakov <golyakov...@yandex.ru>

> this is file data

Thanks for the file.  I can reproduce the issue when I run:

  osgviewer --image f32_single_strip_120.tif

But if I use the .gdal plugin to load the image it loads:

  osgviewer --image f32_single_strip_120.tif.gdal

So there is a workaround you could employ.

I have put some debugging code into TIFF plugin and the point of failure
comes when the plugin checks the TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL in the line:

    if (TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel) == 1)

But this fails and the plugin fallbacks to generating the read error.

I'm not the author of the tiff plugin so haven't ever learnt about libtiff
so don't know if this issue is a possible problem in libtiff or that their
might be a suitable fallback that we could use.  The SAMPLESPERPIXEL value
is used by the OSG to set the image format so not something that can be

I'm afraid I don't have any other insights to provide, perhaps others who
are familiar with libtiff can chip in.  Right now I'd recommend using the
.gdal plugin as a fallback.

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