
using 3.0.1 I created the following test code:

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> group = new osg::Group();
group->setName( "dummy group" );

auto path = destDir_ + "/group.osg"; 
osgDB::writeNodeFile( *group, path );
osgDB::writeNodeFile( *group, path+"t" );

The resulting group however is entirely different when comparing the osg file 
to the osgt file:

osg file:

> Group {
>   name "dummy group"
>   nodeMask 0xffffffff
>   cullingActive TRUE
> }

osgt file:

> #Ascii Scene 
> #Version 80 
> #Generator OpenSceneGraph 3.0.1 
> osg::Group {
>   UniqueID 1 
> }

They do not contain the same information. The name I've set for instance is 
lost, when storing to osgt. While I am aware that default values can be skipped 
during osgt serialization I doubt that the name string should be skipped at all.

How can this behaviour be explained?

Thank you!

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