
hope someone can help me. If you got any problems with my explanation, please 
just ask me! I will try to explain it better. I added two image, in the second 
image I moved the camera a bit to the left.

I've got the following problem:
I want to render a glitter path of car headlights.

For that purpose I rendered a texture of the headlights. With this texture I 
want to check if the viewer will see a light on the given vertex or not.

The main idea is: Reflect the vector, which goes from viewer to the current 
vertex in the vertex shader.
Then check where this reflected vector hits the plane, which is in front of the 
car right now.
Furthermore check if the point where the reflected vector hits the plane is in 
the area of the plane on which the texture is on.

If yes get the uv coord and get the color from the texture and render this as 
the vertex color.

I get the two lanes of the headlight, but they are kinda moving with the 
camera. They are not beginning from the car and don't go to the viewer like it 
should be.

Now i don't know if it's a problem with the spaces I use or my calculation in 
general. Right now i think its the spaces, because I am getting two lanes.
Please don't think I want you to debug my shader, that's not the case!
I don't see what my mistake in the space conversion is, if it is really there.

The position of the plane on which the texture is rendered on I pass as an 
uniform vec4. In the osg code I use this 

getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("rttPlane_Position", 
osg::Vec4(1, -0.25, 1, 1)));

>From what I know this is the world coordinate.
This is transform in tangent space in the vertex shader.

The vector from eye to vertex is transform in eye coordinate then in tangent 

Here is my vertex shader


uniform vec4 rttPlane_Position;

varying vec4 projCoords;
varying vec3 viewDirToVertex;                                           // 
Blickrichtung im Tangentenraum
varying vec3 rttPlane_PositionInTS;

varying vec2 texCoords;

in vec3 Tangent;
in vec3 Binormal; 

void main()
        // Tanget Space Matrix Generierung, ausgehen von der Normalen (0, 0, 1)
        gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;

        vec3 n = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
        vec3 t = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * Tangent);
        vec3 b = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * Binormal);
        // Erhalte Streifen der an Kamera hängt
        rttPlane_PositionInTS.x = dot(rttPlane_Position.xyz, t);
        rttPlane_PositionInTS.y = dot(rttPlane_Position.xyz, b);
        rttPlane_PositionInTS.z = dot(rttPlane_Position.xyz, n);
        //// Erhalte Tangens wenn ich dies mache
        //rttPlane_PositionInTS.x = dot((gl_ModelViewMatrix * 
rttPlane_Position).xyz, t);
        //rttPlane_PositionInTS.y = dot((gl_ModelViewMatrix * 
rttPlane_Position).xyz, b);
        //rttPlane_PositionInTS.z = dot((gl_ModelViewMatrix * 
rttPlane_Position).xyz, n);

        vec3 viewDirToVertex0 = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;           
        // View to Vertex In EyeCoordinates
        viewDirToVertex.x = dot(viewDirToVertex0, t);
        viewDirToVertex.y = dot(viewDirToVertex0, b);
        viewDirToVertex.z = dot(viewDirToVertex0, n);

        texCoords = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;

        gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
        gl_Position = ftransform();
        projCoords = gl_Position;

Here is the Fragment Shader


uniform sampler2D defaultTex; 
uniform sampler2D reflection;  
uniform sampler2D refraction;   
uniform sampler2D normalTex; // normalmap
uniform sampler2D rttTexture; // Texture with headlights 

varying vec3 rttPlane_PositionInTS;

varying vec4 projCoords;
varying vec2 texCoords;

varying vec3 viewDirToVertex;                                                   
                // Blickrichtung im Tangentenraum

void main()

        vec2 rippleEffect = 0.02 * texture2D(refraction, texCoords).xy;
        // Hole die Normale
        vec4 normalFromTexture = texture2D(normalTex, texCoords).xyzw;
        normalFromTexture = normalFromTexture * 2.0 - vec3(1.0);
        normalFromTexture.a = 1.0;
        normalFromTexture = normalize(normalFromTexture);

        // Berechne den reflektierten Vektor
        vec3 viewDirToVertexNormalized = normalize(viewDirToVertex);
        vec3 reflectedEyeDirection = 
normalize(reflect(-viewDirToVertexNormalized, normalFromTexture.xyz));
        // Berechnung Schnittpunkt von Ebenen und Vektor 
        float gamma;
        if( reflectedEyeDirection.x != 0){
                gamma = (rttPlane_PositionInTS.x - viewDirToVertex.x) / 
                gamma = 1;

        float alpha = (rttPlane_PositionInTS.y + gamma * 
reflectedEyeDirection.y) - viewDirToVertex.y;  
        float beta = (rttPlane_PositionInTS.z + gamma * 
reflectedEyeDirection.z) - viewDirToVertex.z;

        // Schnittpunkt von relfektiertem Vektor und Ebene
        vec3 schnittpunkt;
        schnittpunkt.x = rttPlane_PositionInTS.x;
        schnittpunkt.y = rttPlane_PositionInTS.y + alpha;
        schnittpunkt.z = rttPlane_PositionInTS.z + beta;

        // Ebene in Ursprung verschieben
        vec3 A = vec3(1, -0.25, -1);
        vec3 B = vec3(1, 1, -1);
        vec3 C = vec3(1, 1, 1);
        vec3 D = vec3(1, -0.25, 1);

        float rttPlaneHoehe_Half = (D.z - A.z)/2;
        float rttPlaneBreite_Half = (C.y - D.y)/2;
        float rttPlaneDiagonale = sqrt((rttPlaneHoehe_Half * 
rttPlaneHoehe_Half) + (rttPlaneBreite_Half * rttPlaneBreite_Half));

        vec3 schnittpunkt_a = schnittpunkt - A;
        vec3 c_a = C - A;
        vec3 a_a = A - A;

        schnittpunkt_a.x /= c_a.x;
        schnittpunkt_a.y /= c_a.y;
        schnittpunkt_a.z /= c_a.z;

        // Berechne Winkel zwischen viewDirToVertex-Vektor und 
        float refAngle = clamp(dot(reflectedEyeDirection, viewDirToVertex), 
0.0, 1.0);
        vec4 specular = vec4(pow(refAngle, 40.0));
        // Berechne die Distortion
        vec2 dist = texture2D(refraction, texCoords).xy;
        dist = (dist * 2.0 - vec2(1.0)) * 0.1;

        vec2 uv = projCoords.xy / projCoords.w;
        uv = clamp((uv + 1.0) * 0.5 + dist, 0.0, 1.0);
        vec4 base = texture2D(defaultTex, uv);
        vec4 refl = texture2D(reflection, uv); 

        if((schnittpunkt.y > A.y && schnittpunkt.y < C.y) && (schnittpunkt.z > 
A.z && schnittpunkt.z < C.z))
                vec4 lightSpot = texture2D(rttTexture, schnittpunkt.yz).xyzw;
                if (lightSpot.w == 1.0)
                        gl_FragColor = lightSpot;
                        vec4 color = mix(base, refl + specular, 0.4);
                        color.w = 1;
                        gl_FragColor = color;
                //gl_FragColor = vec4(1,1,0,1);
                vec4 color = mix(base, refl + specular, 0.4);
                color.w = 1;
                gl_FragColor = color;


Thank you!


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