> They've never gotten on my case for my own OSG-related ads, but that might
> be because I don't offer OSG for download, just SDK's that depend on OSG.

Well, and those, you CAN claim to be the authoritative sole distributor
for, because those SDKs are yours. I bet you'll get contacted soon about
this same thing, though the issue will be easier for you to solve for the
very reasons you cited.

Completing that form would require certifying that Osfield blessed Alpha
> Pixel as the sole authorized distributor of OSG.

  Yeah. And I think that's absolutely silly to ask of him.

> My opinion is that the only way out of this would be to host your OSG
> binary downloads from openscenegraph.org somehow accompanied by a link
> back to Alpha Pixel, or perhaps from some other domain that you're not
> linking ads to. But now that they've flagged you, that might not be enough.

  Yeah. You're thinking exactly like I am. Part of the reason I offer the
downloads is that I have a fast pipe on a CONUS backbone and I can afford
the bandwidth for people who want to download the big files. Putting it
onto OpenSceneGraph.org sort of negates most of the benefits.

> That really sucks. FWIW I find the quality of AdWords traffic to be pretty
> suspect anyhow. Maybe you could could use this as an opportunity to see if
> losing AdWords traffic actually impacts your business.

  Maybe so. I suspect I get a lot more legitimate traffic from my OSG
downloads page and people who refer me (ahem, like that guy from SunDog
Software -- I owe you some alcoholic beverages sometime...) than from my
Ads anyway. I was just gearing up to have an SEO firm analyze my Ads and
see if they were at all worth what I was paying for them.

  BTW, your SunDog ads are some of the prettiest I see when browsing the
Internet. And I don't even need to click them to find you... ;)

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com
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