Hi Guys,

On 28 May 2015 at 16:17, David Guthrie <dguth...@alionscience.com> wrote:
> You are a lifesaver. I took it out in the ive plugin as well, and between the 
> two, all my textures came back.

Reading this exchange, it sounds like provision of mipmaps is somehow
broken with OSX & OSG svn/trunk.  It would be worth looking at changes
to OpenSceneGraph/src/osg/Image.cpp, Texture.cpp and Texture2D.cpp.
It could be that a GL extension is broken under OSX, or something on
the OSG side that isn't working as intended, with the error only being
picked up under OSX.

I'm afraid I don't have an hunch as to what it might be though.

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