Am 09.06.2015 um 11:35 schrieb Elias Tarasov:
I try to build map using vpb in ECEF.
According to manuals i've read it needs to start:
vpbmaster --geocentric -t texture_file -o output_file
So, clearly i need georeferenced texture file.
On that page:
there is a bunch of links to get data. Since --geocentric option allows not to 
use elevation data, then only textures are needed.
Who told you this? Of course you can use elevation data in geocentric mode ...
Simply use -t for imagery and -d for digitial elevation data

And here is a problem: i can't get georeferenced textures from USGS.
They are referenced, but in a non-supported coordinate frame. I never had problems of this kind yet. But there are definitively geo-referenced data-sets on USGS, as I'm using them myself. Use LandSAT imagery, which is WGS84 projected, so there should no problems here.
If you need some sample data I can share a small set on googledrive etc.

All files i choose from different sets there are without georeferenced 

gdalinfo output:
Yes it seems there is no valid projection. But still the data is referenced.

What am i doing wrong?
Without having your data, this is hard to tell
Thanks a lot and best regards!


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