Hi David,

Usually there is not much value in a "floating point exception". I guess there is an NaN or division by zero, which I observed for empty or degenerate scene bounds. I advise to compile with floating point exceptions disabled, as osg will print out errors to the console in those cases anyways (check your compiler flags) and osg is not using structured exceptions ... If you are using Visual Studio you can enable catching exceptions from the debugger to see where they are thrown and can provide a call stack, so I guess something like this is possible with gdb too.

Also: are the osgshadow examples working?
Hi Robert,

thanks for your answer!
What do you mean by tracking with a debugger? I attached to my previous message 
the output obtained with in the osg debug mode...
Concerning the other info, I am running my code on linux, with 2.8.1 osg 
The code I attached is working if I am removing the ShadowMap technique and is 
showing the scene without shadow.
I also tried to replace ShadowMap by other technique but: whether it's running without 
showing any shadow (for example using ShadowTexture,ShadowTexture techniques) or it's 
just not working (SoftShadowMap, ParallelSplitShadowMap) and the same "floating 
point exception" error is obtained.

Thank you in advance!


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