Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has been successful in using the NVX_gpu_memory_info extension with OpenSceneGraph, and the best place to call glGetIntegerv to get the associated values.

Details on the extension here: https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/NVX/gpu_memory_info.txt

I'm using Linux, OSG 3.2.1, and a card that supports the NVX_gpu_memory_info extension.

I have tried querying the current and total memory using GPU_MEMORY_INFO_TOTAL_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_NVX and GPU_MEMORY_INFO_CURRENT_AVAILABLE_VIDMEM_NVX, and in each case but one, the values reported back are zero.

The only success I have had thus far has been querying the values via an osg::Operation set with ViewerBase::setRealizeOperation() on my viewer (osg::Viewer). The values returned appear to be correct. This allows me to get the correct values *once* at the start of the program. Unfortunately I need to query them periodically, and I have been unable to do this.

So far, I have tried hooking the calls into:
- An osg::Camera::DrawHandler, set via osg::Camera::setInitialDrawCallback(). - An osg::Node::NodeHandler, hooked into the root node via osg::Node::setUpdateCallback. - An osg::Drawable::DrawCallback, hooked into a dummy chain off the root of: osg::Node -> osg::Geode -> osg::Geometry (osg::Drawable), via osg::Drawable::setDrawCallback. - An osg::Drawable::CullCallback , hooked into a dummy chain off the root of: osg::Node -> osg::Geode -> osg::Geometry (osg::Drawable), via osg::Drawable::setCullCallback. - An osg::Camera::DrawHandler, set via osg::Camera::setFinalDrawCallback(). Only partly-tested due to a race-condition that occurs in my code, but appears to fail.

I have experimented with osg::GraphicsContext::makeCurrent() with each.

Can anyone suggest a better place to hook these calls into? Or alternatively confirm that they have the extension working with one of the above, so I can change or experiment with my existing setup to try to make it work?

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