
I'm working on a project for displaying geospatial data. I usually have data in 
some coordinate reference system. What I want now is transform them into 
another coordinate reference system (wgs84). Its not a big problem transforming 
coordinates on load or preparing data, but I would like to do it on the fly. 
Ie. keep data in one coordinate system and transfrom them to another. I found 
osg::CoordinateSystemNode but I cannot find any examples how to use it. Its 
CoordinateSystemNode class that I'm looking for? How to setup its params 
(preferably using Proj or GDAL or SRID) ? 

The transformation doesnt really have to be precise (I can always tranfer all 
data from one coordinate system to another if I want to publish data in 
different CRS, but supporting two coordinate reference systems at once would 
need to have data loaded twice).

Is this even possible ? I mean transforming coordinate systems using 4x4 matrix 

Thank you!


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