Am 20.04.2016 um 10:55 schrieb Robert Osfield:
Hi Sebastian,

On 20 April 2016 at 09:49, Sebastian Messerschmidt < <>> wrote:

    Am 20.04.2016 um 10:05 schrieb Robert Osfield:
    Hi Sebastian,

    On 20 April 2016 at 08:17, Sebastian Messerschmidt
    <>> wrote:

        Openflight databases seem to use this user-data at the root
        node to describe the geographic base coordinates of
        Unfortunately this class doesn't seem to have a serializer
        for the osgXYZ file formats. What is the best way to add such
        serialization capabilities?

    Been a very very long time since I heard mention of the
    osgSim::GeoographicLocation class...  just been sitting there
    quietly minding it's own business.
    The issue right now is, that I somehow have to distribute the
    lat,lon origin in some OpenFlight centric workflow. I could
    totally do this differently by transforming the information into
    my own format.

    Looking at the implementation now the two parameters that need to
    be serialized at the latitude and longitude paramters.  If these
    used the setName()/getName() convention then it'd be easy to add
    serializers using the standard ADD_DOUBLE_SERIALIZER( Name, 0.0);
    serializers (for instance see the usage in
    src/osgWrappers/serializers/osg/ ).

    As these don't follow the setName/getName() one will either have
    to write a custom serializer for it or simply change the naming
    across to the setName()/getName() convention that the almost all
    of the OSG uses.  I'd be inclined to do the later. Then just add
    the GeographicLocation serializers to the
    src/osgWrappes/serializers/osgSim.  This would mean that the
    change could only be add to OSG master and no backported to
    OSG-3.4 or OSG-3.2 as the ABI would change, but personally I'd be
    happy with this.
    I'll try to do this then and present the submission when I find
    the time.

The other route which would with recent OSG versions would be to copy the GeographicLocation data to the a Node's UserValue i.e.

  node->setValue("latitude", geographicLocation->latitude());
  node->setValue("longitude", geographicLocation->longitude));

The values then would be serialized automatically.

That's what I'm doing right now. It would be nice ot to lose the data when using osgconv however. So thanks for the pointer but I provide a general fix for it.

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