Hi all,

I am trying to port my GNU/Linux project (with OSG 3.4.0) to OS X.
I first installed OSG with Macports.

However the glsl shaders do not compile with anything above version 110, whereas i need at least version 3 and when available 4.2 (for image load store features).

I saw this post, which relates to the same issue (choosing OpenGL Core Profile instead of Compatibility profile):

It would seem that the issue has been fixed, but looking at the source code of OSG 3.4.0, 3.5.0 and 3.5.1, it does not seem that the correct calls have been added.
I tried adding them before recompiling OSG but then i get a bunch of errors.

If i change the shaders syntax and use version 110, in order to match compatibility profile on OSX, they compile but the application then crashes.
Here is backtrace of the crash :

0 com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver 0x000000010f85dd5c IntelVertexArray::setElemData(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned int) + 308 1 com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver 0x000000010f85dc1a IntelVertexArray::extractState(GLDVertexArrayDataRec const*, unsigned long long) + 170 2 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib 0x00007fff92e075bb gpusLoadCurrentVertexArray + 195 3 com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver 0x000000010f85b179 Gen7::updateDispatch(GLDContextRec*, GLDRenderDispatch*, unsigned int*) + 1393 4 GLEngine 0x00007fff8ee5dad4 gleDoDrawDispatchCore + 533 5 GLEngine 0x00007fff8ee00636 gleSetupAndDrawArraysOrElementsOutOfLine_ListExec + 886
6   GLEngine                          0x00007fff8ed8aa6a gleCallList + 170
7 libosgUtil.130.dylib 0x000000010779085d osgUtil::RenderLeaf::render(osg::RenderInfo&, osgUtil::RenderLeaf*)

Is there something specific I need to do in my code in order to activate the OpenGL Core Profile ?

Thanks in advance,




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