Hello Rebert,
Thank you very much for your explanation, as I am knew to OSG, this really 
helps a lot :)
My monitors' order is exactly as you mentioned.
Since I am just getting started, I don't really need multi-monitor rendering, 
so after toying with the viewer class, I found out about 
 "Viewer::setUpViewOnSingleScreen" and I set it up to my primary display.
Oh, I tried to look into Windows API to figure out how to fix it (within OSG) 
but realized it's more advanced than I thought. 
Thanks again!

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29. Avr 2016 08:46 de robert.osfi...@gmail.com:

> Hi Soulaymen,
> By default the osgViewer::Viewer calls View::setUpViewAcrossAllScreens() as 
> a fallback if no windows have been assigned to viewer when viewer.realize() 
> or viewer.run() is called.  The setUpViewAcrossAllScreen() detects how many 
> screens you have on your system and then opens up a window on each one, if 
> there are more than one then it assumes that screen 0 is to the left, 
> screen 1 is directly to it's right and so on for all your screens.  On you 
> system it looks like you have screen 1 to the left of screen 0.
> I think there may be a way to configure Windows to use a different ordering 
> of screens, so you could look at the display/driver settings for a 
> solution.
> The other route would be to explicitly tell the viewer what display 
> configuration you want to use.  There are various ways you can do this, 
> rather than go through all the possible combinations could you give us an 
> idea of what you'd like to see as your default setup?
> Robert.
> On 28 April 2016 at 19:32, Soulaymen Chouri <> akais...@tuta.io> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am still new around here, I've got the book "OpenSceneGraph 3.0 
>> Beginner's Guide" and learning step by step. But I have dual monitors and 
>> running any osg::Viewer example I got fullscreen window on both monitors, 
>> and a splitted view as demonstrated in the attached screenshot.
>> Bascially it swaps the two monitors, the left render should have been on 
>> the right and vice versa.
>> Any idea how to fix it? Except using only one monitor :)
>> ...
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,
>> Soulaymen
>> ------------------
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=67010#67010
>> Attachments:
>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org//files/osg_209.png
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