Hi All,

I am currently working on a submissions purge.  My first port has call
has been clearing the submissions back log submitted via the official
osg-submissions mailing list.  Still a way to go so please be patient.

There are also pull requests on github but these still aren't the
official route for providing submissions which is providing whole
modified files sent to osg-submissions, because well it's been pretty
reliable over the year.  I have tried a few pull requests but I'm
still not git guru so it can be painful trying to make sure things are
properly reviewed without mistakes creeping in.

My plan is to steadily learn more about git/github and adapting it
with scripts to better suit the workflow that ensures things are
merged and tested safely with low overhead.  This post isn't about
this, and it's certainly not a post saying I'm ready for a pull
request free for all.  The official route for submissions is post
whole modified files to osg-submissions.

In dipping my toes in the water of learning and merging submissions
that are source form Pull Requests today I looked at the Pull Request
list and for some reason github has closed the majority of the open
requests.  I didn't close them even though github suggests it was the
openscenegraph user that did it.

I have attempted to reopen requests but the github interfaces isn't
allowing me to do this.

The closed pull requests also have broken file lists and links so I'm
not able to find out what has been changed.  This leaves me with just
a title and some comments form the author of the Pull Request.  The
Pull Requests also have lots of unrelated commits mixed into the
discussion thread so something has royally confused github.

The only thing I can think of that I may have done at my end was to
fix the author names in repository.  I used scripts and instructions
that were published by github for doing this.  Outwardly these changes
looked to have worked just fine.  Perhaps there is some un-intended
consequence for githubs booking that the instructions never mentioned

Or perhaps simply something has screwed up at github.

Anyway, this means for now all the in appropriately closed Pull
Requests are lost as far as my ability to follow up on them in any
way.  This means the community need to check there Pull Requests and
if they have gone astray to re-submit them.  Don't just do a Pull
Request, please send the whole modified files to osg-submissions as
this is still the official and crucially most reliable way to submit

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