
I have now tested the solution and also a newer Version of OSG 3.4.0.
The problem is that it looks like that the touch input is not correctly 
forwarded to OSG.

Touch with one finger is ok -> like you would use left mouse on 
TrackballManipulator. Rotate in scene, fixed rotation point.

Zoom gesture is not working very good. Your two fingers needs to be on the 
screen for a bit of time ~ 1 sec, then it works not very user conform, also it 
switches the direction of zoom.

Drag gestures not working at all. it is doing a zoom.

Has anyone an idea how to go on from this point?
Or maybe an idea where the problem is? 

Is the problem in the osgQt sources (GraphicsWindowQt)?
Could it be a problem with the Surface Pro 3 Tablet I am using?
Or is it maybe more a problem with the MultiTouchManipulator?

Thank you!


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