I have built OSG yesterday, and I have build all 3rd party manually. I also 
have all 3rd party libs in a custom build tree where I have other libraries and 
code I use.

After the prerequisites are built, what I did was to generate OSG vs project 
files as described on webpage. Then I opened VS solution and just changed paths 
to reflect my build tree.

I don't think you should try pre-build libs from some place on the web. 
Security aside, there is still question of compiler flags, runtime, what 
libraries the pre-compiled code is link to etc etc. You wan't to compile all 
libraries you use by same compiler and for same runtime to ensure for ABI 

For the record, I have my custom little sdk placed in c:\x64, where I have 
typical (unix-like) structure with bin, lib & include where I put accordingly 
dlls, libs and headers for stuff I compile and use.

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