Hi all,

I realized that the OpenGL link dependencies for OSG are not quite correct for 
OSX/X11. Specifically, if OSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM is X11 then osgViewer is built 
with X11/OpenGL, but osg (base) is still built with Cocoa/OpenGL. This mismatch 
of OpenGL implementations can cause very unexpected runtime errors for 
3rd-party apps that use OSG on OSX/X11.

An example of this happens when running "osgviewer cow.osg" with an OSX/X11 
build; the viewer starts in fullscreen. As things are now, if you press "f", it 
goes into windowed mode but the window is black. With the proposed change, 
everything works as expected.

My proposed change is to move the OSX/X11-specific OpenGL link code from 
osgViewer/CMakeLists.txt to the root CMakeLists.txt. I've done this, and am 
testing it out now. I'll post the git patch to osg-submissions soon.


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