On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 2:24 PM, Erik Hensens <ehens...@hunter.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> Let me apologize in advance if this is a duplicate question. I tried hard
> to find the answer elsewhere in the forums but I didn't see anything. If I
> missed it, please just point me toward the original post.
> What are the best options for 3D modeling applications that can directly
> edit a model in the .ive file format? As it currently stands, whenever I
> want to edit my model I have to perform a conversion process from its
> native format used by the 3D modeling application in order to make the .ive
> file, and this conversion process is far from perfect. Aside from that,
> it's a major pain.
> Surely there must be some sophistocated 3D modeling application that can
> directly handle .ive files?


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