Well I did some more research, and once again tried to tackled this
problem. If someone has already tried to use the current master branch on
OSX 10.12, could maybe give me some more in
I am using Qt 5.7 by the way.

This is what I tried so far:
Clone current master (which has, I think, the VAO branch merge onto it).
On CMake selected OPENGL_PROFILE=GLCORE. Deactivated GL1 and GL2 support,
activated GL3 support,and *deactivated* :
Compiled and installed, everything went smoothly.

Then in my app, I have to request a Core Profile. I am doing so using Qt's
QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat() so request a OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile.

Also, in my OSG code, before I instantiate an osgViewer::Viewer, I use (as
Robert suggested)
and this effectively makes OSG print a message indicating it is requesting
the usage of VAO objects.

Now, with this setup, nothing is rendered on the screen, and I get lots of
shader compilation errors (These come from Qt). If I DON'T asctivate the
Core profile using the Qt API, These errsod o not appear, but when I try to
render a point cloud in a PagedLOD node, only white points start to appear
and after some LOD's are loaded the app crashes.

2016-11-13 15:21 GMT+00:00 Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>:

> On 12 November 2016 at 22:24, Bruno Oliveira
> <bruno.manata.olive...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was now trying to solve this and searched for OSX VAO related posts,
> but
> > could not find relevant instructions on how to compile for OpenGL Core
> > Profile under OSX. Could you perhaps give some link to those discussions?
> As I'm not an OSX user I can't personally answer this without goig
> searching the mailing list/forum archives and the website.  Pointless
> me doing it when you could do it.
> Robert.
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