> I just checked there is a "supp...@godaddy.com" subscribed but not one
> associated with secureserver,net.
> I have unsubscribed supp...@godaddy.com.


  I thought we had checked this a few months ago when I deep-dove into it
trying to solve this very thing.

> The question is who subscribed supp...@godaddy.com?  Do godaddy.com
> have some robot that goes around adding itself to public mailing
> lists?  Someone playing games?  Some kind of scheme to break things?

  Also -- if I recall -- doesn't the mailing list use a confirmation step?
How could it have succeeded unless someone at GoDaddy actually followed the
confirm step?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com
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