
Doesn't anyone have an idea about this? Basic question is, how can one retrieve a valid context without logging in to Windows? Is it even possible? I guess this problem isn't OSG-specific but I would have guessed that someone here had come across this before.

Even if I enable auto-login, it won't allow for remote desktop login since you're logged out again after such a session - this makes it hard to log in remotely to check the progress of headless process servers.


On 2019-06-16 21:17, Andreas Ekstrand wrote:

I'm having problems with the osgposter example in Windows, or more precisely something similar I'm developing but the problem is easier to reproduce with osgposter. In my simple reproduction of the problem I'm trying to render an image automatically at computer startup by calling osgposter (inactive mode) from a Python script (os.system) activated as a task from Task Scheduler in Windows 10. But it seems to fail to fetch a valid OpenGL context. I have tried all rendering types in osgposter - fb, fbo, pbuffer and pbuffer-rtt.

The script works fine when started manually or when the task is set to start only when the user is logged on. But when activated as a task at computer startup whether user is logged on or not, it refuses to render anything. It just gets stuck in an infinite loop in the PosterPrinter class since FrameStamp::getFrameNumber() returns 0.

Before that, View::setUpViewInWindow results in the following messages if OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL is set to DEBUG:
SingleWindow::configure - GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully.
Viewer::realize() - No valid contexts found, setting up view across all screens.
SingleWindow::configure - GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully.
Viewer::realize() - failed to set up any windows

Does anyone know how to get this working without having to log on to a Windows user?  Should it work? I have a GeForce GT 710 with the latest drivers. Actually, I tried adding opengl32.dll from the Mesa3D library to the same folder as osgposter.exe to make it work when manually executed while logged on through Remote Desktop. It did the trick, but not when activated from Task Scheduler.


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