Hi Anna & Glenm,

On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 at 13:00, OpenSceneGraph Users <
osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:

> I too have seen thread-related issues when creating Text from multiple
> threads. I was never able to find the time to debug it to conclusion; but I
> suspect that a shared Font object that needs to create new Glyph textures
> isn't doing so in a thread-safe manner. For example,
> Font::assignGlyphToGlyphTexture() modifies some structures without Mutex
> protection. Just something to check.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I've done a code review of the
Glyph/GlyphTexture/Font code and have added a mutex lock to the
Font::assignGlyphToGlyphTexture().  There are already mutex locks
elsewhere, but there may be a need to add more.  The change is checked into
the 3.6 branch and master:


I have tested by running all the OSG examples and running osgtext --mt, and
don't see any regressions.  I can't confirm that the change has fixed the
crashes that you both have seen as I haven't got any example that
reproduces it.  Could you test the 3.6 branch and let me know how you get

This fix isn't in 3.6.5-rc3. but will be part of the final 3.6.5 stable

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