Dear All,

I am "moving" a scenegraph underneath a CameraNode/RTT, so that I can
perform shader related effects on it. Previously (pre RTT) I had a
cullCallback set within which the viewport size was picked up with :

   osg::CullStack* cs = dynamic_cast<osg::CullStack*>(nv); //nv is the
osg::NodeVisitor entry
   int width = cs->getViewport()->width();

This used to work fine, giving me the correct window size.

Under a RTTing/FBO/CameraNode, I was hoping that this would report the
viewport size of the CameraNode; however it still reports the size of the
actual parent window.

Is this expected behaviour? If it is, (how) can I programmatically find out
the viewport size from within a RTTing subgraph?

Thanks in advance,

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