Hi Toshiyuki,

On 2/22/07, Toshiyuki TAKAHEI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nice work! It represents promising possibility of the osgViewer.

By the way, 'distortion meshes as custom scene graph elements' is
reasonable, but in my experiences, I need 'pixel level' distortion
in many cases.

The general approach I've take could easily use a texture map to set
up the normals, its just a matter of setting up the scene graph
approrpriate, you can use all the normal scene graph primitive for the
rendering of the distortion mesh.

In this instance the distortion mesh usedis just an osg::Geometry
convering the full screen, with vertices arranged as a grid, with each
vertex having a Vec3 tex coord normal pointing into the cubemap.  The
graphics hardware interpolates between the tex coords so that
resulting tex coord used to look up the cubemap should be interpolated
reasonably well.

So I made a distortion/blending map creation tool
'Projection Designer', and also defined the distortion map
as an image file which encodes pixel warp mapping in color of pixels.
(Projection Designer is currently Windows version only, but its Linux
version is almost done.)

Cool, would a OSX port be possible as well? ;-)

My hope for the config file support for osgViewer is that it'll make
it possible for you to output a configuration file that could be
loaded my osgViewer based apps.

I also made osgdistortion based real-time distortion viewer:
At that time I used Producer's camera configuration file to
specify the off-screen rendering matrixes. Maybe osgViewer also
need such kind of configuration data.

The osgViewer config file would contain both the camera setup and the
distortion mesh (and any textures required).  The config file format
will be an extension of the .osg file format so it'll be possible to
embed mini scene graphs directly into the config file, so things like
external references to texture maps will all be possible.

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