Robert do you also add the

bool Block::block(unsigned int msecs) method for a timeout while waiting for
a block?
Return false if we got a timeout, true if we didnt?

Then I can just toss my ThreadEvent out of the window.
(If you move it to OpenThreads that is).


On 2/23/07, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback on names.  Still no clear winner.  The ones I
feel most comfortable with right now are VirtualWorldBuilder and
OpenPlanetBuilder, with a preference for VirtualWorldBuilder.

The use of WorldBuilder is already take by a commercial app, with
WorldBuilder Pro trademarked, I'm not sure about WorldBuilder though.
WorldBuilder is also used lots of other projects, and there is even
reference to a VirtualWorldBuilder on the net, but all links to to
original project website now point to a hosting links page and nothing
to do with the original VirtualWorldBuilder.

OpenPlanetBulder and VirtualPlanetBuilder don't have any such baggage.

Finally closing thoughts on the terrain building topic?


On the topic  threading naming, well zipo, no feedback, guess nobody
has anything to add.  Since both OSG and Producer have previous used
Block I think it would be the line of least resistance to go this

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