Looks like our main competition is having a hard time. See thread below from 
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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:52 pm    Post subject: 


Pixelpusher you are relying on MPI tools because you are probably forced to. 
Wouldnt you pick other tools if it were up to you ? Besides what do you 
disagree with that I have said or Urban Legend has said in his post about MPI 
becoming a bit player and not being able to pay the big bill that is coming due 
soon and their awful business practices and arrogant management ? 

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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:58 pm    Post subject: 


NO I did not say that MPI could not pay YOU said that I said it would be due 

And as MPI made a healthy profit in 2006 I don't think they are in any 
immediate danger 
"Self defence is not a function of learning tricks but is a function of 
how quickly and intensely one can arouse one's instinct for survival" 
- Master Tambo Tetsura 

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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:09 pm    Post subject: 



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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:57 pm Post subject: 

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:35 pm Post subject: Changes in the vis-sim industry 


Lot of changes this year. Engenuity buying out Acusoft. MAk purchased by 
Singapore training, E & S bought by Rockwell, Parallax buying MPI. Wonder what 
2007 is going to bring. Looks like E & S is doing pretty well under Rockwell. 
Speaking of MPI, the jungle drums inside MPI say that it was a pretty terrible 
year financially. Customers have sneered at the new products. That would mean 
more layoffs at MPI in January. The drums also say that Parallax is going to 
fire the CEO after the first of the year and talking to Stephen Gersuk about 
running the company. These are interesting times. 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:57 pm Post subject: 


Interesting view point, 

Stephen is one of the brightess and most intelligent person in the Vis-sim 
world , he must really be laughing out loud, 

I highly doubt that he would touch MPI with a barge pole apart, maybe to wave 
good bye... 
"Self defence is not a function of learning tricks but is a function of 
how quickly and intensely one can arouse one's instinct for survival" 
- Master Tambo Tetsura 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 2:57 pm Post subject: 


i worked at MPI at that time. My understanding was that Stephen was a victim of 
devious underhanded scheming by the present CEO and was forced out. He was 
stabbed in the back by him. What a shame and what a loss to MPI. I left soon 
after since I did not agree with the lack of ethics of the management at MPI. 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:08 pm Post subject: 


You have a lot of experience in this industry UL, how long do you think MPI 
will survive ? 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: 


How long is a piece of string ? 

I don't see a growth market for MPI , they can probably survive in the 
shrinking market as bit player, with some enormous new players in Modeling, 
survices and API market. 

We will see some very interesting changes in the 2007-8 with some interesting 
and exciting productsand services coming to market from some very big companies 

I'm under NDA but can say that these companies have Billions in turn over and 
are spending like 20x MPI's turnover just in dev for tools that will impact the 
vis-sim market, this will effect most of the smaller vis-sim companies like MPI 
as they will eat in to a market that is quickly running away from the old 
traditional 6 years to build a sim that is 10 years out of date 

Theres a whole slue of automatic feature extraction and automatic terrain 
generation and feature creation tools coming that will shrink the markets for 
products like Creator, CTS, Geo etc.. What I have seem behind closed doors make 
me glad I'm no longer in such a small company like MPI 

Will MPI survive long term not without a lot of change IMO, they need some one 
at the top the commands repect work force and industry 

Also lets not for get Parallax have to actually CA for MPI soon as well. 
"Self defence is not a function of learning tricks but is a function of 
how quickly and intensely one can arouse one's instinct for survival" 
- Master Tambo Tetsura 

Last edited by UrbanLegend on Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:14 pm Post subject: 


thats a great analysis of the situation. I agree with you UL. Unless there are 
major changes at MPI, they are done for. The folks there should be sending out 
their resumes. Although given MPI's reputation for shoddy products and support, 
it would be difficult for them to find employment elsewhere. 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:59 pm Post subject: 


I cannot agree that MPI have shoddy products. 

Creator is still a good product just way too darn expensive and its dev team 
size od nothing keeps it laggin in certain areas. 

Vega Prime has a lot good stuff, from folks in the sensor team and Antons work 
on virtual texture but Vega Prime it has problems in areas sadly one of those 
is QA, but then again MPI fired all the QA people and now have engineers QA'ing 
there own code thats never good thing 
"Self defence is not a function of learning tricks but is a function of 
how quickly and intensely one can arouse one's instinct for survival" 
- Master Tambo Tetsura 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:10 pm Post subject: 


The funniest thing I heard about MPI part from the glorious leader, is certain 
people are seriously trying tout Open flight as an the interchange format, 
which shows how out of touch with the real world some people. 

10 years ago Open flight was the defacto model format but not any more that 
died a long time ago and to tout it as interchange format is just ridiculous , 
actually is rather pathetic and sad. Open flight is dead its kept alive by 
legacy user most users are far removed from bloat, clunky, proprietary binary 

The Interchange formats that are streats ahead are KML, CityGML, GML 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:11 pm Post subject: 


Careful don't forget MPIs fearless leader showed a slide at SIGGRAPH once 

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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:15 pm Post subject: 


But didn't that slide simply say "Taxi for Mr Johnson" 

Plenty of his kind at Heathrow arrivals. Thats all they are good for 

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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:23 pm    Post subject: 



The needle is stuck... I keep hearing the same bad track over and over when I 
thought I was supposed to be listening to the patent thread. 

All posts made are my personal opinion and should not be considered a 
reflection of those of any other person or company. 

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Joined: 19 Mar 2007 
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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:53 pm    Post subject: 


Its not a broken record. This is from Google's cache of this forum. Why would 
Urban Legend now deny things he said before. He dislikes Marco, Brockway and 
Divaker. He doesnt like marco beacuse they couldnt work well together, brockway 
killed CTS and divaker is a paki 

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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:47 pm    Post subject: 


Oh that is good, make your point with a racial slur. Now you really have 

So where exactly did you work? 

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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:57 pm    Post subject: 


Just repeating what Urban Legend said over a beer at the Flying Saucer. In vino 

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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:24 pm    Post subject: 


Yeah but there is such a thing as a private opinion and confidential speech. 

Posting racial slurs and hateful post on a public forum is entirely different! 
I think that subtle nuance of civilized discourse has been lost on you. 

As I have stated plenty times before, if you have to voice a criticism, do so 
in an acceptable manner. I will be happy to follow up on lapsed or missed 
support calls as well as help with communicating any suggestions you may have. 
I am no stranger to communicating critical statements to the product teams. 
Most of which have resulted in improvements of the product or process in some 

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Joined: 19 Mar 2007 
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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:33 pm    Post subject: 


i only saying what many others would lik to say out loud but are afraid to. MPI 
tools may not be so bad but the people in charge are evil 

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