Andreas Goebel wrote:
> > are they run from the C: prompt (Windows/Mingw) or the /usr (Cygwin/Linux)? 
> >  I use 
> > vi to edit in the Cygwin/Linux environment and I guess you really need an 
> > ide for 
> > each Unixen vs Win - depending as you say on what you want to do.  
> I don´t really understand those sentences. Of course one doesn´t need an 
> ide, no matter where you work. You can work with makefiles for vc++, 
> too, or you can build your vcproj from the command-line. What I do is to 
> use DialogBlocks, which is a Dialog-Editor for wxWidgets. It generates 
> makefiles for the gnu-compiler and makefiles and project-files for 
> visual-c++. So I can use the same IDE on every platform (Linux, Windows, 
> Macintosh) and use gcc on linux and mac and use vc++ on windows.

Even though I may not have clear you did understand since you mentioned 
which lets you do the same project in Linux and windows and use gcc and vc++

> that matter. And don´t forget that on windows (mingw and cygwin) you 
> still have the (very old) 3.x - series of gcc. On windows, gcc produces 
> bigger and slower executables. The matter with OSG is that the more 
> "modern" examples, like osgdepthshadow, do not work with mingw (at least 

I wasn't aware of that although I suspected it.
> Do you also want to do user-interface stuff? GUI, I mean?

Ultimately I like to be proficient in a language in all aspects.  Console mode 
apps, Gui 
apps whatever the need might call for.


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