The bounding sphere of a node is actually generated from a a bounding
box surrounding the  Drawable (geometry) leaf. This makes the bounding
sphere a crude approximation of the real size of your sphere.

Therefore I would recommend a parallel structure for doing collision detection.
Depending on the number of collisions, and what information you need
(boolean query/ penetration, normal) there are quite a few different
ways to go around this.

If you only need boolean query (intersection yes/no) and you have lots
of spheres of similar sizes, then a spatial hash is a good
alternative. Its very fast for this thing, you can have 100.000:s of
thousands and still get good performance unless you have them
occupying the same space.

Other efficient datastructures/algorithms are octrees, KD-trees,
sphere-trees, Separating Axis test, ...

It all depends on what scalability you require from your app.
There are quite a few libs that does very efficient collision detection.
Osg is mostly for rendering, and ray/scene intersection tests,
anything beyond that you have to add yourself...
There are quite a few approaches to add ODE for collision
detection/dynamics.... Look at the osgwiki for Don Burns osg/ode


On 5/11/07, Rémi Chaignon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all again, (sorry I pressed the wrong button)

In my program, I am creating 2 spheres in the same way:

        // Create a sphere centered at the origin, unit radius:
        osg::Sphere* sphere = new osg::Sphere(osg::Vec3f( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f),

        osg::ShapeDrawable* sphereDrawable = new osg::ShapeDrawable(sphere);
        sphereDrawable->setColor(osg::Vec4f(0.4f, 0.2f,
0.8f, 1.f));

        osg::Geode* sphereGeode = new osg::Geode();

        osg::MatrixTransform* sphereTransform = new osg::MatrixTransform();

        return sphereTransform;

Then I want to know if the spheres collide, to do this, I've tried different
   - Get the bounding sphere of the node (getBound())
         Result: A collision is detected even when the spheres are far from
each other.

   - Get the bounding sphere of the geode (getBound())
   - Get the bounding box of the geode (getBoundingBox())
   - Get the bounding box of the drawable (getBound())
          Result: A collision is always detected.

Debugging, I've found that the bounding box never moves and always remains
the same (eg [-1, 1] on each axis). So I've tried to apply the different
transformations to the bounding box but it didn't work either.

I am new at OpenSceneGraph, so I'm definitely doing something wrong there
but I don't know what.

Can someone help me, please.

Thank you,


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