I've been writing a fragment shader for the last few days to do a number
of interesting alpha blending things for my UI NodeKit that I've been
working on. So far, with only using a fragment shader (and allowing
OpenGL to handle the vertex functionality) everything has worked
astoundingly. ;) I'm using a standard Camera-in-Camera setup, where my
HUD is another Camera attached to the Viewers internal camera.

This morning I tried to add the most simple vertex shader with no

        int main() {
                gl_Position = ftransform();

...but it results in my not actually seeing anything. I'm sure it has
something to do with how I have the Camera setup inside of another, but
I'm not really sure how to proceed.

Has anyone done something like this before using OSG? Any advice on
getting the position calculated in a vertex shader the same way OSG does
it by default when using the HUD Camera-in-Camera setup?

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