I am interested in using the vrml plugin so I can create models from 
scientific vis programs such as OpenDX. I am using Linux Fedora Core 6.

By now I have read all the messages to this list about the vrml plugin from 
June and July.

I downloaded openvrml-0.14.3 from sf.net/projects/openvrml as they have all 
the back versions archived there.  When I tried to build it according to Jan 
Ciger's instruction:

   ./configure --prefix=/opt/openvrml-0.14.3 --disable-gl-renderer
   - --disable-lookat --disable-script-node-javascript 

I had a compile problem and ended up adding: --disable-text-node as follows:

 ./configure --prefix=/local/apps/openvrml-0.14.3/build --disable-gl-renderer \
 --disable-lookat --disable-script-node-javascript --disable-text-node

I don't know whether or not that is causing the problem I am having, but I 
have only a mesh in my .wrl file.  I do not have text.

Then I rebuilt OpenSceneGraph-2.0 in my build directory by specifying:

   cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
   -DOPENVRML_INCLUDE_DIR=/local/apps/openvrml-0.14.3/build/include \

However, when I load my wrl file with my own program I dont get any error 
messages but I dont see any model either and my program reports:

 -------Scene Bounding Sphere------- 

  Radius: -1
  Center: 0 0 0

---------Scene Bounding Box-------------

X goes from 3.40282e+38 to -3.40282e+38
Y goes from 3.40282e+38 to -3.40282e+38
Z ( height ) goes from 3.40282e+38 to -3.40282e+38

Which tells me that no model was loaded

With  OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL set to DEBUG and osgviewer, I get:

FindFileInPath() : trying /local/apps/OpenSceneGraph-2.0/build/lib/osgdb_vrml.s
o ...
FindFileInPath() : trying /local/apps/OpenSceneGraph-2.0/build/lib/osgPlugins-2
.0.0/osgdb_vrml.so ...
FindFileInPath() : USING /local/apps/OpenSceneGraph-2.0/build/lib/osgPlugins-2.
Opened DynamicLibrary osgdb_vrml.so

Stats before:
Object Type     #Unique #Instanced
StateSet        0       0
Group           0       0
Transform       1       1
LOD             0       0
Switch          0       0
Geode           0       0
Drawable        0       0
Geometry        0       0
Vertices        0       0
Primitives      0       0

and again I dont see anything except the background color.

Not knowing whether it was my wrl file, I downloaded the sample.wrl that was 
suggested as a test.  I still don't see anything in the graphics window but 
the output reports:

Stats after:
Object Type     #Unique #Instanced
StateSet        6       6
Group           0       0
Transform       7       7
LOD             0       0
Switch          0       0
Geode           6       6
Drawable        6       6
Geometry        6       6
Vertices        6972    6972
Primitives      6972    6972
DriveManipulator::_height set to ==1.5
getCoordinateFrame(2.894 -2.12399 0)
   no coordinate system found, using default orientation
Setting terrain manipulator _minimumDistance to 0.143972
Viewer::realize() - No valid contexts found, setting up view across all 
GraphicsContext::getWindowingSystemInterface() 0x9f76e78        0x5dc048

So at least it got some vertices.

Can you see what is wrong here?

The wrl file as output from OpenDX, even though it just contains a mesh, looks 
different from your sample.  I am appending some of it to this message.


Joan Slottow

UCLA Academic Technology Services


#VRML V2.0 utf8
NavigationInfo {
  type ["EXAMINE","WALK","FLY"] 
Group {
 children [
  Shape {
    geometry IndexedFaceSet { 
      solid     FALSE 
      ccw       FALSE 
      coord Coordinate{ 
        point [ 
          78.000000 -180.000000 1.000000
          66.000000 -180.000000 1.000000
          -78.000000 156.000000 1.000000
          -90.000000 156.000000 1.000000
      coordIndex [
        0 1 16 15 -1
        1 2 17 16 -1
        207 208 223 222 -1
        208 209 224 223 -1
      color Color {
        color [
          1.000000 0.342466 0.000000,
          1.000000 0.246576 0.000000,
          1.000000 0.520548 0.000000,
          0.985540 0.903349 0.000000,
      colorPerVertex TRUE
      normal Normal {
        vector [
          0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
          0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
          0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
          0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    appearance Appearance {
      material Material {
  Shape {
    geometry IndexedFaceSet { 
      solid     FALSE 
      ccw       FALSE 
      coord Coordinate{ 
        point [ 
          -90.000000 -180.000000 1.000000
          -78.000000 -180.000000 1.000000
    appearance Appearance {
      material Material {
Viewpoint {
 position -6 -12 2660.7

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