
OTB is now compatible with GDAL 2.0
There is a release planned soon (version 5.2.0), so I guess this will be
the opportunity to provide binaries build with GDAL 2.0


On 11/19/2015 02:02 PM, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> Hi Guillaume,
> On Fri, 19. Jun 2015 at 14:15:56 +0200, Guillaume Pasero wrote:
>> On 06/19/2015 11:42 AM, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
>>> GDAL 2.0 was just released.  But QGIS release is next week, so I'm
>>> not sure if I should upgrade GDAL 2.0 just now.   But that could
>>> probably make use of both libkml and the new OpenJPEG.
>> I have just moved the x86_64 packages to the main release folder.
>> You're right, there is no need to update GDAL now. But the version 2.0
>> is not compatible with OTB (not yet ...).
> Did this meanwhile change?  Is OTB ready for 2.0 and is there chance that OTB
> could be updated shortly after GDAL 2.0 is introduced into OSGeo4W?
> Any other obstacles keeping us from moving to GDAL 2.0 (short of rolling out a
> separate gdal2 package)?
> Jürgen
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<www.c-s.fr>    *Guillaume PASERO*
Ingénieur d'études et développement
*Business Unit E-SPACE & Geo Information*
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*CS Systèmes d'Information*
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