#413: add "Windows batchfiles for use with R" to OSGeo4W
Reporter:  hellik       |       Owner:  osgeo4w-dev@…
    Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new
Priority:  major        |   Component:  Package
 Version:               |  Resolution:
Keywords:  R            |

Comment (by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:25 jef]:
 > Replying to [comment:24 hellik]:
 > > what next to do? I have no access to OSGeo4W repository.
 > Upload. You have access.

 PackageDirectoryLayout] says:

  Packages prepared for OSGeo4W are currently uploaded to (requires shell
 access to ​OSGeo download server):



 and [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Download_Server Download_Server] says:

 FTP Service

 There is FTP service configured on the download.osgeo.org blade. The FTP
 access is served by vsftpd - secure and fastest FTP server for UNIX-like

 The vsftpd daemon configuration is the default one provided with Debian
 and is suitable for anonymous ftp only.

     root directory: /osgeo/download
     no access for local users
     no write, mkdir or upload privileges

 It is intended that each interested project should have a directory under
 /osgeo/download with appropriate permissions so a project member can
 manage the subdirectories and files. Scp, or sftp can be used to bring
 files onto the server. Someone from each project will need their LDAP
 OSGeo Userid shell enabled, for ssh/scp access.

 how to get shell access to ​OSGeo download server? is ny osgeoid already

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/413#comment:26>
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OSGeo4W is the Windows installer and package environment for the OSGeo stack.
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