Hi Hugo!

I'm a C++ dev that just started working on the QGIS project, and I gotta
say the OSGeo4W build system is something I had avoided so far because of
its complexity.
I'd be happy to help with testing and coding in this project, although I
might need some time (and some pointers) to get up and running.


2017-04-27 13:23 GMT-03:00 Hugo Mercier <hugo.merc...@oslandia.com>:

> Hi,
> We've been involved recently in windows packaging based on osgeo4w. Some
> of our customers needed binaries for windows for some of our projects
> which require a recent C++ compiler.
> We would like to share and discuss our current infrastructure and see if
> there are some shared interests.
> We've setup a compilation / CI infrastructure based on Gitlab CI that
> triggers Virtual box virtual machines for the actual compilation and
> packaging.
> We use Windows 10 "development" VM
> (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines)
> with Visual Studio 2015.
> It allows us to have a common clean compilation environment.
> Here is an example of a build log:
> https://gitlab.com/Oslandia/tempus_core/builds/14314756
> For now, one of our server "supersedes" the official osgeo4w http
> repository so that we have our own osgeo4w repository for our packages
> and still benefit from updated packages from osgeo4w.
> You can have a look at the packages we have so far here:
> http://osgeo4w.oslandia.net/osgeo4w/x86_64/release/ (some packages have
> src packages with them, but not all of them yet)
> Among these new packages, some of them may be of interest for other
> projects, mainly PostgreSQL and PostGIS (only minimal version of PostGIS
> for now - no raster, no sfcgal).
> The goal is then for us to contribute back to the osgeo4w project.
> So far, we noticed some issues with the current osgeo4w project and
> infrastructure:
> - the main repository seems heavily loaded and hard to reach sometimes
> - packaging fixes or addition of new packages relies on developers to
> install and manage their own instance of a complete Windows development
> environment.
> - the build of the entire distribution is hard to reproduce
> - the points listed above also result in a situation where there is a
> mix of compiler versions used for packages. Which should be avoided
> (http://siomsystems.com/mixing-visual-studio-versions/)
> We actually hit a problem probably related to that
> (https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/529) and that could mean to
> recompile gdal and all its dependencies with msvc 2015.
> So here are some propositions:
> - find a way to add a mirroring system for the osgeo4w distribution. The
> idea is to register a list of mirrors that would receive a copy of files
> when they are uploaded to the main repository.
> Maybe by using something like https://github.com/axkibe/lsyncd
> - share access to our gitlab-ci infrastructure and vbox VMs (and allow
> it to be copied somewhere else if needed). The idea would be to have a
> unique repository with all package "sources" and all
> the machinery needed to trigger a build of the whole distribution or of
> some selected packages on a known environment.
> Regarding the issue of mixing compiler versions, we apparently still
> need to compile python2.7 modules with msvc 2010 (which is the version
> used to compile python27 and all wheel binaries).
> Apart from that (which may imply to maintain two versions of the same
> libraries), do you see problems if all packages get compiled with the
> same (last) version of msvc (2015) ?
> Are there any interests for that work ? Raise your hand if so, and raise
> both hands if you could contribute (time or funds) :) we also still need
> to find a way to fund this alternative osgeo4w / CI server.
> Hope to read your comments.
> Hugo
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