#650: msodbcsql - unknown package
Reporter:  tobwen  |       Owner:  osgeo4w-dev@…
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new
Priority:  minor   |   Component:  Installer
 Version:          |  Resolution:
Keywords:          |

Comment (by jonnyforest):

 Hi guys,
 I had the same problem. I did e fresh install with OSGeo4W64 using UAC and
 and the log show:

 2020/11/11 09:34:46 running: cmd.exe /c
 2020/11/11 09:34:47 abnormal exit: exit code=1603

 I had as well the same issue in the commandline of osgeo shell-

 I went to the bin folder and did a manual install of msi (right-click open
 as administrator) and the problem was solved.

 If I try to install using the msiexec method I have the same problem of

 I did a quick search about exit code=1603 and can be about permissions or
 corrupted .msi

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/650#comment:4>
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