#2360: EOxServer fails to launch
 Reporter:  darkblueb          |       Owner:  osgeolive@…
     Type:  defect             |      Status:  new
 Priority:  critical           |   Milestone:  OSGeoLive15.0
Component:  OSGeoLive          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  eoxserver, django  |
Comment (by sanak):


 I could reproduce above {{{_ast}}} error and other {{{is_timeout}}} error
 also on eoxserver docker environment by changing docker base image.
 git clone g...@github.com:EOxServer/eoxserver.git
 git checkout release-1.1.0
 cd eoxserver/
 vi ./docker/ubuntu/py3/Dockerfile
 # change "FROM ubuntu:20.04" to "FROM ubuntu:22.04"
 # and "ARG DJANGO=2.2.17" to "ARG DJANGO=2.2.24", then save
 docker build -t eoxserver -f ./docker/ubuntu/py3/Dockerfile .
 docker image ls
 docker run -i -t --rm -p 8080:8000 <IMAGE ID>

 On eoxserver master branch (=1.1.2), the {{{_ast}}} error doesn't happen,
 but {{{is_timeout}}} error still happens, and to solve this error, the
 following {{{requirements.txt}}} modification seems to be necessary.

 Here are some related links.
 * https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/687
   * https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/pull/715
 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67409452/gunicorn-importerror-
   * https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/pull/2581#issuecomment-994198667
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/ticket/2360#comment:5>
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